Red King Dreams Die Roller

There are three dice rolling tools available. All tools should be considered beta and are subject to improvement and changes.

The Dice Pool

This tool allows users to roll dice, sorts the results and allows the user to link back to their results for reference. You can also pick up a previous roll, and add more dice to it, remove dice, or roll more dice to the result.

Dogs in the Vineyard Dice Roller

This tool organizes conflicts for Dogs in the Vineyard. It allows multiple players to roll dice, do raises, sees and all the mechanics needed for DitV.

Don't Rest Your Dice

This is a die roller for Don't Rest Your Head by Evil Hat games. Don't Rest Your Head requires rolling four different, and sometimes very large, pools of dice to determine the outcome of a conflict. It seemed complex enough that a custom die roller was called for.

Lacuna Agent Dossier

Not so much a die roller, as a series of random rolls combined to fill out the random characer creation process for Lacuna Part I, The Creation of the Mystery and the Girl From Blue City. It just generates random agents to used in play.